Time: 22.04.2012
Author: guttmeslu
habilitation würzburg
Prof. Dr. J. Seibel: Head of Group - Institut für Organische.2003 Habilitation at Karl-Franzens-University Graz, 2003. (Title: Multigrid Methods for. Chair Scientific Computing, Institute for Mathematics, University of Würzburg.
Universität Würzburg: HabilitationKatholisch-Theologische Fakultät-47.87k (01_Katholisch-Theologische_Fakultaet_02.pdf) Juristische Fakultät-54.18k (02_Juristische_Fakultaet_02.pdf)
Universität Würzburg – (UW) - Saturn... Biology, University of Würzburg 2000 Group leader (E. coli Pathogenomics), Institute for Molecular Infection Biology, University of Würzburg 2006. Habilitation in.
Institut für Mathematik: Mitarbeiter
Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie: Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Abele-Horn
CV Göbel engl. - Willkommen an der Universität Duisburg-EssenHabilitation Würzburg (1974) (topic: Algebra, General Relativity Theory), from 1975 to now: Professor of Mathematics at the University Duisburg. Habilitation in Medical Microbiology, University Würzburg. 2005. Infectious Disease Specialist (DGI) Research Topics . Clinical Microbiology . Validation of biochemical and. In 2006 he finished his habilitation. In 2007 he moved to Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). In 2009 he became professor at the University of Würzburg.
habilitation würzburg Web Page of Martin Hepp, E-Business and Web Science Research Group
Web Page of Martin Hepp, E-Business and Web Science Research Group
Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie: Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Abele-Horn
Universität Würzburg – (UW) - Saturn
Winter Lab - CV - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Ulmar Grafe
Plant biology at the University of Fribourg » Zeier group